Magelia® provides a highly efficient and robust solution for ChIP-seq on precious, low input samples. Pairing Magelia®'s miniaturization and automation capabilites with Diagenode’s iDeal ChIP-seq Kit for Histones provides an excellent solution to the typical challenges researchers face with ChIP. Specifically:
• Automation: From Immunoprecipitation to DNA purification steps completely automated.
• Time-savings: Turnaround time reduced 8-fold, Hands on time reduced 3-fold.
• Unparalleled precision: Reduced reaction volume kinetics for efficient IP and elimination of cross-contamination and evaporation.
• Low inputs: Down to 25,000 cells for immunoprecipitation using the iDeal ChIP-seq kit for Histones.
Inorevia and Diagenode co-authored a poster on this study, presented at the EpiBesancon event, organized by Canceropole Grand Ouest, on May 10th-11th ,2022.
Check out the Poster here